Membership Cancellation Request
In order to cancel your Sweat membership, please submit this form.
What is your name?
What is your account email address?
Why did you decide to cancel your membership?
Please choose all that apply.
Choose an option
Financial Constraints: Currently facing budget restrictions.
Underutilization: Not using the membership as frequently as anticipated.
Relocation: Moving to a new city or location where accessing the studio is inconvenient.
Found Alternatives: Joined another fitness center or exploring other fitness options.
Medical/Health Reasons: Advised by a physician or due to personal health concerns.
Time Constraints: Unable to fit workouts into my current schedule.
Unmet Expectations: The studio/services didn't meet my expectations.
Personal Reasons: Other personal commitments or changes in personal circumstances.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Committed Acknowledgement
I understand that if I have a membership with a commitment (6 or 12 months), my cancellation request will not be processed until my commitment period has completed, regardless of the date I request above.
This field is required.